My brother, who is my design "muse", was in town helping me with the much dreaded holiday decorating season. I HATE (really shouldn't use that word because I don't allow my children to), okay I dislike holiday decorating intensely. I don't like to do it for my own home and I don't like to do it for my clients. It's a pain, it's expensive, and you only keep it up for a month. I use to decorate the majority of my design client's homes for the holidays, but now I only accept if begged AND if my brother can help me. He provides much needed comic relief, a great eye, and he works like a Turk.
One day we were shopping for a design client and inspiration found me in the form of mink pelts. Mink pelts! Inspiration will also make you doubt yourself for a moment and say: Am I crazy? Have I truly lost it this time? That's when I know I've been inspired. I snatched up these pelts in one of my favorite haunts in Little Rock, Fabulous Finds. (Wherever you live, seek out stores that provide you with a steady supply of inspiration.) I grabbed some wreath forms, gold bay leaves, and antique brass tacks and voila! Mink Christmas wreaths. Fun, luxe, and definitely "Tradition with a twist". My client was thrilled, and they were the talk of her Christmas gatherings.
Where do you find design inspiration?